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What is Natural Hydraulic Lime or NHL? Natural hydraulic limes are returning to their rightful position of being perceived as building materials suitable for restoration, conservation and new build...READ MORE

All types of newly applied lime mortar must be protected from adverse environmental conditions both during application and afterwards...READ MORE

Building limes are broadly divided into hydraulic and non-hydraulic. ‘Hydraulic’ with regard to mortar refers to setting and hardening when mixed with water...READ MORE


Most bagged, hydrated lime has a shelf life of 12 months once kept dry and sealed. Once opened bags should be used straight away or resealed so as to be airtight. Some premixed lime mortars with additives may have a shorter shelf life.

Lime putty will last indefinitely once kept underwater and airtight. For most uses the older the putty the better the finish will be achieved. Lime putty should however be protected from frost whilst stored.

Building limes are broadly divided into hydraulic and non-hydraulic. ‘Hydraulic’ with regard to mortar refers to setting and hardening when mixed with water...READ MORE


St. Astier Natural Hydraulic Limes

A full set of comprehensive guidelines for working with lime mortars can be found in the guidelines HERE


A downloadable PDF version of our "Guide to Lime" is available to download here.

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